Neck Pain

Experiencing neck pain can be an extremely uncomfortable and even debilitating experience. Fortunately, there are solutions available to help you find relief. Dr. Jennifer Weida at Chiropractic Solutions in Lafayette can provide specialized neck pain treatment to get you feeling better soon.


Neck Pain Treatment

As a chiropractor, Dr. Weida has helped many patients find relief from neck pain. She offers spinal decompression therapy, percussion therapy, corrective exercises, and other specialized techniques that target your neck pain as an underlying cause rather than just temporarily treating the symptoms. Every patient is unique, and she takes the time to make a treatment plan tailored to each patient.

What is Chiropractic Care?

A chiropractic adjustment is one of the most common treatments used by chiropractors to relieve neck pain. During this procedure, the chiropractor uses their hands to apply precise pressure and manipulation to specific areas of your spine to realign misaligned vertebrae and reduce tension or misalignment in the muscles and ligaments surrounding your spine. This helps reduce muscle spasms and decrease nerve compression, which often causes neck pain.

What is Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression could be the preferred treatment instead of a chiropractic adjustment. To experience its benefits, you need only to lie on your back while Dr. Weida uses a special machine that separates your vertebrae and stimulates relaxation around the discs, thereby allowing for healing.

What is Percussion Therapy?

Percussion therapy is designed to alleviate pain by loosening rigid muscles, promoting circulation in the affected area, and reducing inflammation. The increased blood flow helps bring healing nutrients that can decrease discomfort while breaking down tightness and relieving soreness.

Feel Better Now and in the Future

Dr. Weida also provides lifestyle advice on how to minimize future neck pain so that you can enjoy long-term relief. She will show you how to do stretches and exercises at home to make your treatment progress faster.

Contact Chiropractic Solutions in Lafayette, IN

If you’re suffering from chronic or acute neck pain due to an injury or illness, make an appointment with Dr. Jennifer Weida at Chiropractic Solutions in Lafayette. She can provide neck pain treatment that works! With her specialized chiropractic care and lifestyle advice, she has helped countless individuals find lasting relief from their neck issues so they can get back to living without any discomfort or limitations due to their condition. Contact us today at (765) 838-3489 if you’d like more information about our services or would like to schedule an appointment with our staff.

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